BENI operates in three main business areas: Real Estate, Venture Capital, and Hospitality.
The company was born out of the desire to create value by identifying and developing international investment opportunities by leveraging currency exchanges and economic cycles.
Born in 1951 in Bologna, BENI capitalized on the Italian economic boom of the 1960s. In less than a decade, Edilverde Costruzioni, the company that BENI had established, designed and built more than 500 residential units, leading to the establishment of the largest construction company in the city.
By 1982, BENI had diversified into commercial and residential investments and began surveying opportunities outside of Italy and into the European market. In the following years, Beni Internazionali Holding was created and sole investments were established in the UK, Spain, the Canary Islands, and Bulgaria.
In the early 1990s, BENI expanded into America, taking advantage of a weak Lira/USD exchange and the collapse of the residential market in NYC. This period represented a huge opportunity for the company to diversify overseas, leading to the development of BENI USA.